I have been teaching for over fifty years. The first wave of teaching was in the field of cross-cultural anthropology. Then I began to teach in medical settings, focusing not only on culture, but also care of the dying. By the mid-seventies, I began to teach Buddhism. Teaching, like my Zen practice, is a path of discovery and mutuality. I teach to learn; to study and discover. Also, those whom I teach are my real teachers.
Upaya Online Programs: Why We Meditate — Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Daniel Goleman & Roshi Joan - September 5, 2022
Upaya Online Programs: Roshi Joan and the Power of Voting
- October 18, 2022
Roshi Joan Halifax: GRACE - Cultivating Compassion While Interacting with Others Upaya Zen Center - March 29, 2020
Roshi Joan Halifax: Transforming Suffering Today: Imagination and the Bodhisattva Attitude. Upaya Zen Center - Aug 29, 2019
Joan Halifax: A Sense of Urgency by Pat Van Boeckel - Jun 6, 2017
Upaya Online Programs: Dharma Sisters, Roshi Joan Halifax and Venerable Dhammananda Bhikkhuni in conversation - April 25, 2022
Roshi Joan Halifax: Finding the right path
Wisdom 2.0 - Feb 8, 2021
Lion’s Roar: Roshi Joan Halifax: A Practice for When You're Sick
- March 11, 2020
Roshi Joan Halifax: Contemplation By Design, The Strange and Necessary Case for Hope. Stanford University - Keynote Nov 29, 2018
Ted Talk: Roshi Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy
- Sep 2, 2011
Rj at tokudo for priests
I look on crafting a curriculum as an art form, a way to weave different threads into a whole cloth that is beautiful, functional, and surprising. Whether it is the narrative of a pilgrimage route, or the orchestration of different voices and perspectives in a teaching on being with dying, or the progression of notes in a compassion training, I am always looking for a through-line that captures the imagination and the human heart.
For information about programs and teachings go to Upaya Zen Center.